Busy mums don't get much time to think about themselves or their makeup, so I wanted to share my five minute makeup in 'seven steps' to have you ready to take on the day.

My kids are 11 and 13, so gone are the days of making and supervising breakfast, washing and dressing both of them, doing their hair and shouting 10 thousand times to“brush your teeth!!”, but I do remember those days where I barely got time to shovel down a piece of cold toast let alone do a ‘full glam’ for the school run!

Now days, it’s more a fight over the bathroom and looking for books and PE kits, but I do make time to do a couple of things which only take me 5 mins and helps with my self-confidence, motivation and just a feeling that I’m ‘ready’ for whatever the day throws at me.

So here is my 5 minute guide for busy mums….

1.    I religiously cleanse my skin in the morning when I wake up, apply a serum — current fave is Topic smoothing cleanser and a good moisturiser with SPF for example tropic skin feast. I do this without thinking, it takes no extra time and it just primes my skin.

2.    Once the kids are sorted with breakfast, I grab 5 mins to put on my Delilah time frame  foundation with my trusty Hero brush. This foundation is seriously amazing stuff — It’s beautiful light coverage is perfect for adding luminosity to the skin without looking like you’re wearing heavy foundation.

3.    A quick dab of under eye brightening corrector Delilah take cover concealer is amazing for puffy dark under eyes and a must for a tired mum in a hurry.

4.    Then I do my brows; I never leave the house without doing them! I usually use LA Girl Brow Pomade with the Diva Brow collection to draw in any hair strokes needed to give the natural shape I like. Next, I use Delilah brow gel to brush up the hairs and keep them in place all day – these products are amazing and so cost effect from just £6!

5.    Next is a sweep of bronzer, from B Perfect MLD Master Pallet. Nobody’s got time for any contouring at that time of the morning, the kids are winding each other up now in the kitchen and I probably have another 15 seconds before I need to go and break up a barney.

6.   A quick coat of L'Oreal Paris Lash Architect Mascara on my lashes makes me look more awake, and I’m ready to herd them up to apologise for whatever carnage they have caused and brush their teeth.

7. A neutral lipstick can double up as a crème blush and lip colour for example Delilah in shade flirt, is my go-to each morning!

This is my 5 minutes ‘Mum’ routine — What’s yours?

Ciara x
